Good Shepherd Church

Custom Wordpress website for Good Shepherd Church in Naperville, Illinois.

We worked with Chicago-area church Good Shepherd on a complete overhaul of their website.

Good Shepherd has dozens of ministries and programs which needed to be organized into an intuitive flow on the new website so their members and the community they seek to reach could find what interests them.

Good Shepherd Website Homepage

The modular organization of content we designed allows users to choose a path based on their interest and then intuitively dig deeper to find additional programming that might be of interest to them.

Good Shepherd Ministry Page

We also used this modular design system to enable select ministries and content to show up on various pages as needed. Modules include a sermon player, a Facebook Page/Group module, ministry/program modules, worship service times module, and more.

We created a custom audio player so their sermons can be viewed and played on the website. We also pulled in their calendar events from their internal system to a user-friendly calendar display on the website.

Sermon Player

We built the site on the Wordpress platform so Good Shepherd staff and volunteers can easily login to add and adjust content as necessary. The site is fully responsive so it looks great on devices of all sizes.

Traffic to the site doubled in the first week after launch, and since then the bounce rate on mobile devices has fallen from 45% to 34%, and session duration on mobile devices has increased by 200% from 1.5 minutes to 4.5 minutes.

We're confident this new and improved website will help the leaders at Good Shepherd reach and serve their community more effectively.

See the site for yourself!

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